Past Events (Page 9)

Past Events (Page 9)

Jan 7, 2018

Food Bank Open House

Have you ever wondered about how the Friendship Food Bank works, or wanted to check it out first hand? We are very proud of our volunteers and the ministry that happens there each week. We would like to invite you to an open house to see and learn about the food bank on Sunday, January 7th after the 9 and 10:45 services. We will also have volunteers available to answer any questions and to get you signed up to volunteer…
Dec 24, 2017

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

Join us for a candlelight service this Christmas Eve at 4 or 5:30 pm. With Christmas Eve falling on a Sunday this year, we will still have our regular morning services at 9 and 10:45 am as well.
Dec 20, 2017

Wednesday Night Live Christmas Party

Join us this Wednesday, December 20th for our Wednesday Night Live Christmas Party! This will be a fun time of singing Christmas songs, games, food, and a short devotional. Wednesday Night Live begins at 6pm, and all ages are invited to attend. Wear an ugly Christmas sweater or shirt if you have one!
Dec 16, 2017

Refugee Christmas Party

If you’d like to help throw a Christmas party for refugees in the Nashville area, join us on Saturday, December 16th from 10 am – 1 pm at Carpenters Square. Sign up for more information. Sign Up
Nov 18, 2017

Thankful – Women’s Ministry Event

The holiday season is almost upon us and nothing could be more counterproductive to the joy of the season than disappointment, discouragement, and complaint. That’s why so many of us work and stress over every little detail of the holidays becoming overwhelmed in the process. But what would our lives and this holiday season be like if we were able to be thankful in the midst of the stress? Join us Saturday, November 18th from 10 am – 12 pm…
Nov 4, 2017

Men of Meat

The next Men of Meat will be Saturday, November 4th at 7am in our new facility here at Shiloh Plaza. Men of Meat is a special breakfast and devotional time where we will learn from men that lived inspiring lives that were transformed because of the Word of God. Sign up to let us know if you plan to attend. Sign Up
Oct 22, 2017

ThriftSmart Clothing Drive

Are your closets full of clothes you no longer wear? Bag them up and bring your donations Sunday, October 22nd Leave the bags behind your cars and ThriftSmart volunteers will be there to collect. We receive ThriftSmart gift cards to give to people in need for every pound we donate!
Oct 15 – 22, 2017

Project Reverse Welcome Wagon

Join us as we let the community know we are new to the neighborhood and want to get to know them! We will have projects each night of the week, so sign up for as many as you can help with. Sunday October 15th – Food Bank Drive – We will be doing a food drive to stock our food bank on Sunday October 15th. Since church will be on site with our food bank, bring your donations on Sunday…
Oct 15, 2017

Food Bank Drive

We will be doing a food drive to stock our food bank on Sunday, October 15th. Since church will be on site with our food bank, bring your donations on Sunday and leave them at the food bank door. Let’s make a huge mound of donations at the food bank!