Past Events (Page 3)

Past Events (Page 3)

Jun 4, 2023

Summer Kickoff

We hope everyone can join us after church on Sunday, June 4 for a summer kickoff celebration! Come enjoy a time of food, fun, and fellowship. We’ll provide the burgers and hotdogs – just bring a side to share. We look forward to seeing you there!
May 10, 2023

Praying Parents

How often do you pray for your children? Are you prayers intentional? Please join me Wednesday, May 10th as we gather to pray for our children. No, you will not be called on to pray out loud. It is a safe place to come as I lead us to pray Scripture over our children. This time of prayer is for parents/grandparents with children of all ages (birth to grown). We will meet from 9:30-10:15am in the small auditorium. Come discover…
May 7, 2023

Friendship Kids Bowling Parties

To celebrate the school year coming to a close, we have bowling parties for our elementary children on Sunday, May 7th. The cost is $10 per child which includes one game of bowling, pizza, drink, a few arcade games, and bowling shoes. The fun and laughter is free and priceless. We have broken the parties into two time slots based on grades. Children must be registered to attend this event so we have enough lanes and pizza. Kindergarten to 2nd grade- 12:30-2:30pm (children…
Mar 12, 2023

S’more Bible Skills, Drills, and Thrills

Children in 3rd-5th grade are invited to come learn Bible skills on Sunday, March 12 from 2-3:30pm. We will build on what we learned last time and continue learning. After we dive into learning, we will make S’mores. Please bring your Bible!  Sign Up
Feb 5, 2023

Sundaes on Sunday: Bible Skills, Drills, and Trills

Children in 3rd-5th grade are invited to come learn Bible skills on Sunday, February 5th from 2-3:30pm. At Sundaes on Sunday, we will look at how the Bible is put together, the divisions, how to find passages, and more. After we dive into learning, we will dive into ice cream sundaes! Don’t forget to bring your Bible and one ice cream topping. Sign Up
Feb 3, 2023

Winter Jam 2023

Students, this year we’ll be heading to Winter Jam 2022 on Friday, February 3rd! This is a huge concert in which several different bands will be performing and we’ll be purchasing the Jam Nation passes where we’ll get early admission to the event. The cost has increased to $40 per student and payment is due by 1/25. We only have 20 spots available for this event. We would love for you to join us. Sign Up (If you’re interested in coming as a…
Jan 14, 2023

New Christian Class for Children

The next New Christians Class is Saturday, January 14 from 10am-noon. If your child has been asking spiritual questions or has received Jesus as Savior, sign them up for this informative and interactive class. Children will learn more about being a Christian and baptism.  Sign Up
Dec 24, 2022

Christmas Eve Service (RESCHEDULED FOR 3PM)

**TIME CHANGE – CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE** Our Christmas Eve Service is rescheduled for 3pm today. The time change will allow for everyone to safely get home after the service before it gets dark and begins to refreeze. Please use caution if you plan on attending as our parking lot, along with many roads, are still frozen/slick in areas. If you are unable to attend the Christmas Eve Service, our livestream is available at (barring any power outages at the church). Join…
Dec 17 – 18, 2022

Friendship Kids Christmas Parties

We have lots of fun planned for the children during the Christmas season! Kids are invited to celebrate the birth of our Savior with a fun party. Each party will have pizza, games, a craft, and a birthday cake for Jesus! Each child is asked to bring a $5 dollar wrapped gift to exchange. 3rd-5th Grade:Saturday, December 17th from 5-7pm Ages 4 – 2nd Grade:Sunday, December 18th from (after church) 12-2pm Sign Up
Dec 18, 2022

Sunday Worship

We hope you’ll join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 as we worship through song and the study of scripture. If you’re unable to join us in person, you can join our livestream at
Oct 22, 2022

Cookie Decorating Class

Looking to learn a new skill and make a few friends? Join us on Saturday, October 22nd for some cookie decorating fun. The class is from 10am-12pm, and you will leave with a dozen decorated cookies. The cost is $25 per person. Come and enjoy a time of fellowship together! Sign Up
Aug 5, 2022

Friendship Family Fun Night

You’re invited! Join us on Friday, August 5 at 6:30pm for Friendship Family Fun Night! We will start the night with an ice cream sundae bar and finish with a comedy show by our very own comedy legend, Rik Roberts. You won’t want to miss it! Childcare will be provided for preschool and younger, but please sign-up to let us know (you do not need to register if you will not be using childcare).